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Herbs Soup mixed with natural ingredients, premium herbs and spices, it secret recipes derived from Chinese medicine shop.
《民以食为天, 食以汤为先》。从远古时代起, 我们的祖先已懂得制作出各种味道鲜美的汤。也因其营养价值最为丰富,因此直到现在,汤在家常便饭或喜庆盛宴占了不可或缺的一席之地。《饭前一口汤,胜过良药方》。中医认为汤能健脾开胃、利咽润喉、温中散寒、补益强身。一道好的汤肴,关键在于选料及材料配搭。新鲜优质的食材加上相辅得宜的养生材料及佐料,才可精制出营养均匀、具养生保健功能,且色香味俱全的汤。《酒须千年而盛名,汤则千年更香浓》。随着时代变迁,速食文化普及;制汤也以简驭繁,不停地更新换代。
源自于药材店的秘方,以全自然的原料、高级的草药和香料混合的“同济”自煮药材汤料,让你每天都可以在家里煲出美味的药材汤。平日著重健康及均衡饮食,加上营养丰富的汤水,定時进补,则可增強抵抗力,简简单单,轻轻松松,让您一家都可以健健康康! “同济”5大滋補湯水系列,不寒不燥,絕對適合一家大小。以下的方便湯包是都巿人進補的最好选择 。
1 packet Togi Traditional Herbal Broth Spices . 1kg ribs or meat cut into preferred size . 2000ml water . 3 pieces whole garlic . 3 pieces mushroom . 2 teaspoons dark soy sauce . 2 teaspoons light soy sauce . salt according to taste
Penyediaan Memasak:
1 bungkus Togi Tradisional Rempah Sup Herba . 1kg daging dipotong ke saiz yang dikehendaki . 2000ml air . 3 biji bawang putih . 3 biji cendawan . 2 sudu kecil kicap pekat . 2 sudu kecil kicap cair . Garam secukup rasa
Cooking Method
Cara Memasak
Ginseng, Angelicae Sinensis, Rehmaniae Glutinosa, Codonopsis Pilosulae, Liguistici Wallichii, Glycorrhiza Uralensis, Polygonti Odorati, Fructus Anisi Stellati, Pepper, Fructus Lycii, Citri Exocarpium, Salt.
Value of the soup:
Replenishes blood, Improves Blood Flow, Replenishes Qi,Enhances beauty,
The right bowl of soup contains a profound diet cultural history. Soup gradually becomes an indispensable part of life, more and more people pay attention to the soup ingredients. Now let us regain the history with Togi herb soup, reap the benefits and gain better health.
Ginseng, Angelicae Sinensis, Rehmaniae Glutinosa, Codonopsis Pilosulae, Liguistici Wallichii, Glycorrhiza Uralensis, Polygonti Odorati, Fructus Anisi Stellati, Lada, Fructus Lycii, Citri Exocarpium, Garam.
1 packets Togi Herbs Chicken Spices . 1kg chicken cut into preferred size . 2000ml water . Salt
1 bungkus Togi Herba Rempah Ayam . 1kg daging ayam dipotong menjadi ketukan kecil . 2000ml air . Garam
Cooking Method
Cara Memasak
Stachys Geobombycis, Angelicae Sinensis, Codonopsis, Poly Odorati, Liguistici Wallichii, Clycorrhiza, Uralensis, Salt.
Value of the soup:
Augments kidneys, Replenishes blood, Strengthens the body.
The right bowl of soup contains a profound diet cultural history. Soup gradually becomes an indispensable part of life, more and more people pay attention to the soup ingredients. Now let us regain the history with Togi herb soup, reap the benefits and gain better health.
Stachys Geobombycis, Angelicae Sinensis, Codonopsis, Poly Odorati, Liguistici Wallichii, Clycorrhiza, Uralensis, Garam.
1 packet Togi Ginseng Soup Spices . 1 whole chicken, cut into 4 pieces . 2000ml water . Salt
1 bungkus Togi Rempah Sup Ginseng . 1 ekor ayam dipotong kepada 4 keping . 2000ml air . Garam
Cooking Method
Cara Memasak
Ginseng, Angelicae Sinensis, Codonopsis Pilosulae, Polygonti Odorati, Fructus Lycii, Rhizoma Diosoreae, Citri Exocarpium, Radix Astragali, Salt.
Value of the soup:
Tonifies Qi, Nourishes the Yin, Clears heat, Moisturises the body.
The right bowl of soup contains a profound diet cultural history. Soup gradually becomes an indispensable part of life, more and more people pay attention to the soup ingredients. Now let us regain the history with Togi herb soup, reap the benefits and gain better health.
Ginseng, Angelica Sinensis, Codonopsis Pilosula, Poliganti Odorati, Fructus Lycii, Rhizoma Diosorea, Kulit Buah, Radix Astragali, Garam.
1 packet Togi of Emperor Chicken Herbs & Spices, 1 whole chicken (approximately 1.2kg), Plastic wrapper and aluminium foil (included inside pack)
Penyediaan memasak:
1 bungkus Campuran Ayam Maharaja, seekor ayam (anggaran 1.2kg), pembungkus plastic dan kertas aluminium (Tersedia di dalam pek)
Cooking Method
Cara Memasak
Ginseng powder, Angelicae Sinensis, Fructus Lycii, Codonopsis Pilosulae, Liguistici Wallichii, Glycorrhiza Urelensis, Citrus Ecocarpium, salt, Chicken Seasoning, Black Pepper and permitted Food Enchancer
Value of the soup:
Nourishes the flow of Qi and blood, Nourishes the spleen and stomach.
The right bowl of soup contains a profound diet cultural history. Soup gradually becomes an indispensable part of life, more and more people pay attention to the soup ingredients. Now let us regain the history with Togi herb soup, reap the benefits and gain better health.
Serbuk Ginseng, Angelicae Sinensis, Fructus Lycii, Codonopsis Pilosulae, Liguistici Wallichii, Glycorrhiza Urelensis, Citrus Ecocarpium, garam, Perasa Ayam, Lada Hitam dan Enchancer Makanan yang dibenarkan
2 packets Togi White Pepper Spices . 1kg chicken cut into preferred size . 2000ml water . Salt
2 bungkusTogi Rempah Lada Putih . 1kg daging ayam dipotong menjadi ketukan kecil . 2000ml air . Garam
Cooking Method
Cara Memasak
White pepper, MSG (E621), Salt and other spices.
Value of the soup:
Expels cold and wind, Improve appetite.
The right bowl of soup contains a profound diet cultural history. Soup gradually becomes an indispensable part of life, more and more people pay attention to the soup ingredients. Now let us regain the history with Togi herb soup, reap the benefits and gain better health.
Lada putih, MSG (E621), Garam dan rempah lain.